Thursday, November 19, 2009

Just a quick update!!!I still feel crappy. Think I will have to get my meds adjusted. I quit taking the the water pill! I was getting horrid leg cramps and decided to see if it was from meds. Well I haven't taken one in several days and no cramps!!! Hurrah!!!

We are going to the Senior Center today for a 10:00 music program then at 11:30 is a free Thanksgiving dinner. After that I have scrap booking at 12:30. WE went to a gardening class last week and the head of that is also into the craft class and genealogy. I got talked into those too. I was into scrapbooking years ago and have a cute book of Chrystian's 1st 6 years. After they moved we didn't get enough pictures to continue it. My kids aren't great at sending pictures!!!After you have 3 you don't have time to take a lot!!!I started on the other grand kids and lost interest. Maybe this will get me started again. I do know it is expensive!!!

Nothing else to talk about. See ya later.

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