Saturday, November 1, 2008

I'm not smart yet!!!

This is to finish the last post! I haven't got this all figured out yet! The begonia and potted rose are setting on our deck. The pink rose is the only bloom on our trellis. The one of the park bench has a little skunk cabbage under it!!!! LOL

We just ate one of the crockpot ladies recipes. It was good but WAY different. It had rice, onions, carrots, apples , sausage and raisins in it. Russ liked it so that is a plus! I sent some home with Trice and have a container for Mike's supper tomorrow at work.

Mike got transfered off the firing range he has worked on for 15 years. He was not happy. The plus is he now only has to drive 10 miles to work instead of 20. And they gave him his choice of B techs. The down side is he went to work this afternoon as the head of a five man crew on a range that he has never been on before. He said it's like starting a new job. Scary.

It is so warm today we have the air on! It is shorts weather the 1 st of November!

I made homemade vegetable and beef stock today. Tomorrow is chicken. I am tired of paying a lot for a carton and only using half of it. I am freezing it in 1 cup to a bag. Who would have thought I'd start doing stuff like this at my age? I should have done this when I had a house full of kids!

1 comment:

KrisMrsBBradley said...

Who has time to do all that with a houseful of kids, lol?