Sunday, February 20, 2011

Beautiful Sunday!!

It is another beautiful day in Texas! Love weather in the 70s.

Did I tell you Russ took a tumble and landed on his tailbone on the edge of a cement step? He has had a week of terrible pain. Nothing the doctors give him take the edge off. It is just a terrible bruising but very deep. He says on a scale 1-10 his pain is a 15! This is a guy that never complains about pain. Wish I had a magic cure!!!

One more hour until out GI is honored on Extreme Home Makeover. Every time I see his picture I get so upset. Hussan should fry for all the lives he took and all the people that were hurt so bad and still not well.

We are still dieting. I've lost 12 pounds in 3 weeks. My belly has really went down!A little more than 3 inches in the waist! We are on a maintain type of diet now. Eating better and more variety.
We had a really good dinner tonight. A Swiss steak thing in the crockpot. It had potatoes and carrots with it and only 420 calories a serving. Russ got an air popper today so we get pop corn tonight! Never thought I'd get excited over unbuttered popcorn! LOL

I heard through the grapevine the Allen family is getting another new baby. Little Mark texted Mike last night with the news!!! Wonder at what age will we all quit calling him Little Mark????

Time to put things to right so I can enjoy the evening. Take care!

1 comment:

12-arrows said...

oh so sorry about Uncle Russ! David did that once and had issues with that for several years. I hope he is better REAL soon! WOO HOO for your dieting! awesome. . .Great!