Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I did not have an exciting day yesterday! I cleaned the ding room, utiity and kitchen and mopped floors. I did get the primer on my bath floor. Today I start the paint. Since I am using chocolate it will take several coats. Than goodness for fast drying paint!!!

Russ has a follow up from the hospital today so I can get him to pick up what I need for my next and last jelly making!!! I will make the Mountain dew and blueberry marmalade and then I quit for awhile!!!

There are too many appointments coming up to plan much! Tomorrow we both have eye appts. (8 am!!! EEEK). Next Tues. Russ has lab at the surgery center, Wed. a carotid ultra sound and a leg test, and appt. for his anuerysm. Friday he has the test where they stick the camera down your throat!!! Blah!

May 4 Mike has surgery. He has a large tear and 3 cysts. He will be off work for 3 to 4 weeks. His company will pay 50 % of his pay after the first 8 days. That helps!!! The doctor told him to go after VA since the army did the first surgery on that knee and it looks like it was screwed up!!! Hope it works!!! He will have the rep from the VFW help him with all the paper work!! They can do wonders.

I best get busy! I need to change sheets and get my floor painted! Another busy day!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I started tearing off paper, puttying and painting yesterday in the kitchen. It's a dramatic difference! When it's all done, I'll post pictures. Bill is a little freaked out by the change, but I told him when we get done, if it doesn't work, we can always paint over it! It's only paint after all.

The chocolate paint sounds great!